Seafarers and Sydneysiders Celebrate Sea Sunday

Seafarers at Sea Sunday service at St Andrews

About 250 Sydneysiders plus visiting seafarers joined in the global day of prayer for seafarers at St Andrews Cathedral giving thanks for seafarers’ resilience and hard work which benefits us all.

Thank you to the Dean, the Very Rev Sandy Grant and his team for hosting the Sea Sunday Service at St Andrews Cathedral on July 14; for the uplifting message and a warm welcome for all. We were also delighted that seafarers from the Philippines and Myanmar were able to join us – thank you to their Captains for releasing them to experience this special celebration at this beautiful and Australia’s oldest cathedral.

Rev Grant’s message about the importance of the under-rated value of kindness touched many hearts. He explained how kindness also blesses the giver, as it grants a more realistic perspective so relieves anxiety. Thank you to the staff and volunteers who presented readings and prayers in some of the heart languages of seafarers.

Other highlights included maritime-themed hymns presented by the Cathedral Brass Band and Pipe organ. The warm fellowship after the service was also a great encouragement to us all.

If you missed it, the full service is available online at:

Sea Sunday 2024

We thank Rev Grant for all his work (shown here giving out blankets to the congregation) and his prayer for protection for seafarers’ journeys and that our Mission can “keep their welcome warm and their love and care unstinting. May all they do in their ministry express the love of Christ for all people.”

This Sea Sunday, our Sydney team also gave a prayer of thanks for all those who help Mission To Seafarers in over 50 countries to provide a haven for mentally and physically exhausted seafarers, and for enabling our chaplains and volunteers to take a warm welcome and listening ear on board ships and into hospitals for those who can’t leave their vessels.

Sea Sunday 2024

This excerpt from an email sent to Rev Tay reflects some of the kind comments we received from a member of the St Andrew’s congregation:

“Sea Sunday is a time we eagerly look forward to, as we can participate in the celebration of the way the Mission to Seafarers acts as the “hands and feet” of our Lord… We also rejoiced in the infectious enthusiasm you displayed as you took the podium. Many blessings to you and your colleagues.”

Sea Sunday 2024
Brass band at St Andrews

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