Leave a legacy - remember us in your will
One powerful way you can support the Mission to Seafarers is by pledging a gift in your will. It won’t cost anything during your lifetime, but it will help to continue to show your love and care for seafarers even when you can no longer do so personally.
There is one easy and free way you can do this. We have a corporate partnership with Australia’s largest online will provider. This means you can write a legal, reliable will for free – and update it for free as often as you like, for life!
You can choose if you would like to leave a legacy through a gift to your favourite charity and if you do – we hope you choose us!
If you choose to pledge a gift to us in your will, you will be helping to ensure the good work we have been doing for seafarers visiting Sydney since 1881 can continue for many generations to come!
Sometimes it’s the people with simple circumstances that delay writing or updating a will. Doing it online is not only fast and free, but it allows you to include extra details like who should care for your pets or the family photo records.
Contact our CEO Clayton Strong on clayton.strong@missiontoseafarers.org.au if you would like to discuss this further.
Whatever you can give is greatly appreciated by our team, seafarers and their families looking forward to their safe return.